Thank you again for writing and we hope to see you again soon. If you have visited twice but go to neighboring casinos more often, we can suggest that you may need a larger sample for a better comparison. An example I can relate: our slots have paid out so much money in small and large jackpots over the last month the slot attendants can barely keep up with the hand payouts that have totaled in the hundreds of thousands of dollars each day. It sounds like you didn't win and we wish you better luck in bingo and slots. FireKeepers Casino and Hotel is Michigans premier gaming and entertainment venue. The computer players in bingo are just as involved in playing as they may have multiple games loaded and are following along. casinos offer bettors apps or instant-play through mobile web browsers. We apologize if the caller spoke faster than you prefer and suggest that if that happens again, you can always request a Supervisor in the room to ask him or her to speak at a slower rate. We understand that although initial ticket prices for bingo may be a bit higher than other local bingo halls, the prizes are also significantly larger as well. Hi MsBonJo-We appreciate your two visits to FireKeepers with your group as well as your review.