What has it got to do with the lender whether l gamble or not? When a lender is looking at your bank statements, one of the main things that they will look for is gambling transactions, and here’s why. As a mortgage broker in Lincoln, we always recommend that applicants think about their bank statements and what’s going to show up on them a few months before their application. Planning your mortgage journey is essential. They need to know whether you can afford a mortgage or not, make sure that you’re reliable, and know if you’re someone who manages their finances responsibly. There are multiple different reasons why your lender will want to see your bank statements. Furthermore, they won’t just ask for your bank statements, they’ll ask for other pieces of evidence to support your mortgage affordability, and calculate the maximum amount you can borrow for a mortgage. Whether you’re a first time buyer in Lincoln, looking at moving home to Lincoln, or wanting to know your remortgage options, this will never change. Whatever the mortgage route that you choose to take, you will always be asked to provide a copy of your bank statements. Get in touch with a mortgage broker in Lincoln Why does the lender need my bank statements?